Friday, August 3, 2012

Giving This Another Try~~Blogging!!

I tried my hand at blogging about 4 years ago and just never got the hang of it.  I do not know or understand the use of a computer very well...but I try.  So here's to me, trying my 'Silly Notion' again.
I keep very busy with my family, my job and my hobbies and friends.  So to fit in a blog may not be all that easy for me.  A little bit of information about me:  I have been married to the same wonderful man for over 37 years.  We have to children that we are oh, so proud of.  They have been such a blessing to us and now they are even more dear, because they have both given us a grand gift--we are grandparents...Mema and Papa to two adorable granddaughters.  We couldn't be happier!!

My job is one of a care giver.  I have had my own Family Child Care Business for over 25 years.  It has been the best job I could have ever dreamed of.  Like many, I started because I wanted to be home while my kids were young and starting school.  It was important for me to be there for them and the thought of leaving them with someone else was just impossible.  Thought I would do it for 3 or 4 years but found that I loved it and I was very good at it.  It became my calling and my profession.

A few hobbies have crept up over the past several years.  I enjoy photography which lead to scrap booking, of course.  I have a whole room bulging with supplies I just knew I would need someday.  I have indulged in a bit of gardening, to which I find I am not very good.  And over the years I have dabbled in refinishing and repainting pieces of furniture for our use in the home and now I am finding, with the help of a the new 'buzz word' RE PURPOSING, I am enjoy it ever so much.  I enjoy the hunt as much as the finished results.  I have struggled with a few lately, but am determined to not let a chunk of wood beat me!!

I have just a few close and dear friends.  I have a few dear Internet friends, some I have not yet met, but feel connected to them through or common likes and Christian Faith.  I need them to build me up, keep me focused, pray for me, laugh at and with me and to hold me accountable, as I try to do for them.

So here goes.......

Out With The Old..... In With The New!

I am 're-vamping' the day care.  After having it as a classroom setting for so long--I am tired of looking at it.  Tired of all the 'in your face' toys, games and activities that are always out, always a mess.  Now that the last preschoolers have left my care and have the joy of caring for kids under 2, I am wanting a more homey feel to the area.  Painters come tonight to start and I have just about cleared everything out, which is a huge job!  Its been cleared out but not sorted--thats a another weekend project!

I have been repurposing different items, giving them a coat of paint, or different use than what they are meant to be used for.  The 14 drawer dresser has been painted and so has my crib-turned into a kids cubby-hole.  New things for the walls, so glad the huge bulletin boards are down!  New carpet has yet to picked out, but that will hopefully come along in about a month.  Feeling better just knowing that its about done.  Here are a couple of things going into that room.  Still need the finishing touches but they are ready to go!!  YEAH!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

 After becoming obsessed with Pinterest and filling up my boards.  I figured it was time to actually do, taste or make some of those ideas I thought were fabulous.  It started with my garden, rather the back yard.  I began spray painting just about everything for a fresh new look.  I turned bistro chairs into planters, a chandelier into a bird feed and hung it from a metal archway, painted a vintage metal tea cart as a plant stand.  They all turned out really cute and I was happy with them.  As the weather turned warm, yeah a toasty 103* +, my thoughts turned to the inside of the house and went looking for things to spruce it up in where the Air Conditioning was fine!!   My first project was a small curio cabinet that I got for just $7.00 at a garage sale.  That same weekend I found a buffet for $20.  Here are the before and after pictures

The buffet painted up so well and I loved the drawers as they were so I just polished them up and I like the way it has turned out.  Its waiting to be put into its home in the kitchen, but the kitchen isn't ready for it!!

 And here is the finished Curio, now housing  a sampling of my teapots!

Other projects are in the works!  Soon to post the images of them.